ACCD Board of Trustees Election Information
The candidates for single member Districts 5 and 7 (Gerald Lopez, District 5) and (Yvonne Katz, District 7), were unopposed and were certified as unopposed so that the May 4, 2024 elections for those districts were cancelled. Mr. Lopez will succeed Roberto Zarate as trustee for District 5. Dr. Yvonne Katz will continue another six-year term as trustee for District 7. At a Special Meeting on May 14, 2024, the ACCD Board of Trustees canvassed the unofficial results of the Uniform General Election held on May 4, 2024, for Trustee for single-member District 6. The report of the unofficial results was signed and certified by the Bexar County Elections Administrator and is posted below at “Official Notices/Board Orders.” The summary of the votes cast for the two candidates is as follows: |
Total Votes | Vote % | Election Day Votes | Absentee Votes | Early Voting Votes | |
Gene Sprague | 1,830 | 53.90% | 743 | 463 | 624 |
Nicolette M. Ardiente | 1,565 | 46.10% | 565 | 516 | 484 |
Total Votes Cast | 3,395 | 100% | 1,308 | 979 | 1,108 |
At the Special Meeting, the Board declared the results official and declared Gene Sprague the winner for the Trustee position for District 6. Gerald Lopez and Yvonne Katz, the sole candidates for Trustee positions for Districts 5 and 7, respectively, had previously been certified as unopposed and declared the winners for those districts. Their elections were cancelled as required by the Texas Election Code. After canvassing the election results, the new Trustees were sworn into office. The Honorable Ray Lopez, Texas State Representative, administered the Oaths of Office to Gerald Lopez (Trustee District 5), Gene Sprague (Trustee District 6) and Yvonne Katz (Trustee District 7). Dr. Gene Sprague and Dr. Yvonne Katz will serve new six-year terms. Gerald Lopez succeeds Roberto Zarate as Trustee for District 5. Mr. Zarate was appointed in 2003 to serve an unexpired term of office. After completing four subsequent six-year terms as ACCD Trustee, Mr. Zarate did not run again for office. His 26 years of service and contributions to the Alamo Colleges and its education mission will be honored at the Board’s Regular meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. After Gerald Lopez was sworn-in, Clint Kingsbery, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, conducted the Special Meeting to elect new officers. The following were elected: William Clint Kingsbery (District 8) – Chair |
By law, a person who plans to run for public office in Texas (except a federal office) must file a campaign treasurer appointment form with the proper filing authority before the person may accept a campaign contribution or make or authorize a campaign expenditure, including an expenditure from personal funds. The Texas Ethics Commission (TEC), therefore, requires such a person to file an APPOINTMENT OF A CAMPAIGN TREASURER BY A CANDIDATE (FORM CTA) with the proper filing authority before the person becomes a candidate, even if the person does not intend to accept campaign contributions or make campaign expenditures.
The proper local filing authority at ACCD is the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Election-related filings and submissions should be addressed to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, 2222 N. Alamo Street, District Support Operations (DSO) Building, Antonio, Texas 78215 and may be delivered at the DSO Building c/o Denise Wilson, Board Liaison.
The deadline to file an APPOINTMENT OF A CAMPAIGN TREASURER BY A CANDIDATE (FORM CTA) is Tuesday, January 16, 2024. The appointment form must be received by 5 p.m. The form prescribed by TEC to appoint a Campaign Treasurer may be downloaded from the list below or the TEC website. The appointment of a campaign treasurer triggers the candidate’s duty to file periodic reports of contributions and expenditures. According to TEC, filing reports is the responsibility of the candidate, not the campaign treasurer. Even if a candidate loses an election, the candidate must continue filing reports until the candidate files a final report.
The Texas Secretary of State (SOS) urges each person before becoming a candidate, to contact the Texas Ethics Commission at 800-325-8506 for information on campaign contribution reports, appointment of a campaign treasurer, and requirement of other filings and to consult TEC’s Campaign Finance Guide for Candidates and Officeholders Who File With Local Filing Authorities.
First Day to Apply. Commencing on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, the Alamo Community College District will accept Applications for a Place on the Ballot for the Uniform General Election of Trustees for single-member Districts Five (5), Six (6), and Seven (7). The terms for Districts Five (5), Six (6), and Seven (7) are for six (6) years and will expire in May 2030.
Applications for a Place on the Ballot for ACCD Trustee must be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees and must be signed before a notary and dated before filing. Applications for a Place on the Ballot may be filed:
- By mail, addressed to Secretary of Board of Trustees, 2222 N. Alamo St., Third Floor, San Antonio, Texas 78215. Denise Wilson, ACCD Board Liaison, will accept the applications on behalf of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
- In person by delivering to the Receptionist at the District Support Operations Building, 2222 N. Alamo St., San Antonio, Texas 78215, the Application in an envelope, addressed to Secretary of Board of Trustees, c/o Denise Wilson, ACCD Board Liaison.
- By email to Secretary of Board of Trustees, sent to the email address of Denise Wilson, Board Liaison, at
- By faxing the Application to the Office of the ACCD General Counsel at 210-486-9863.
Application Deadline. No matter how filed, an Application for a Place on the Ballot must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date of Friday, February 16, 2024. A postmark is not sufficient.
Write-In Deadlines. A Declaration of Write-In Candidacy may be filed in the same manner as an Application for a Place on the Ballot, as stated above, and may be filed commencing on Friday, February 16, 2024 and ending on Tuesday, February 20, 2024. A Declaration of Write-In Candidacy filed prior to Friday, February 16, 2024 is void by law. A Declaration of Write-In Candidacy must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, February 16, 2024. A postmark is not sufficient. Write-In Candidates are not entitled to draw for a place on the ballot as are the candidates who timely filed an Application for a Place on the Ballot.
Receipt of Applications for a Place on the Ballot and Declarations of Write-In Candidacy will be acknowledged. Applications and Declarations will be reviewed for legal compliance as to form, content, and procedure. Candidates will be notified whether an Application or Declaration is accepted or not accepted.
A candidate may not file applications for a place on the ballot for two or more offices that (a) are not permitted by law to be held by the same person; and (b) are to be voted on at one or more elections held on the same day. If a person files more than one application for a place on a ballot in violation of this section, each application filed subsequent to the first one filed is invalid.
The forms prescribed by the Texas Secretary of State (SOS) for Application for a Place on the Ballot and Declaration of Write-In Candidacy may be downloaded by clicking on the button below or from the SOS website. Hard copies may be obtained from Denise Wilson, Board Liaison, Alamo Colleges District, 2222 N. Alamo St., San Antonio, Texas 78215.
Questions about the May 4, 2024 Uniform General Election may be addressed to Denise Wilson, ACCD Board Liaison at 210-485-0030; Roxella Cavazos, ACCD Associate General Counsel at 210-485-0058; Bexar County Elections Administration at 210-335-8683; Office of the Texas Secretary of State at 800-252-8683; or the Texas Ethics Commission at 800-325-8506.
Select the buttons below to download the following forms and guides from the Texas Secretary of State and Texas Ethics Commission:
Select the buttons below to view Official Notices and Board Orders as they become available, including but not limited to the following:
District Maps
District 1 | District 2 | District 3 |
District 4 | District 5 | District 6 |
District 7 | District 8 | District 9 |
Alamo Colleges Information
Trustee Appointment/ Elected Dates (PDF) |
Strategic Plan Site |